Building a Custom Catio
With no prior experience using power saws, I used the design thinking process to create a custom Catio. Planning, feedback, redesign and collaboration all gave me first hand experience through this process to help me better empathize with library makerspace patrons through their own creative processes!

Light-up plush
I think I got my frustration out enough with the paper circuit to begin this one much more confidently. Same concept for the circuitry, but this time using steel conductive thread instead of copper tape.

Pop-up Card with LEDs
Y’all recall high school physics class and the basics of electrical circuits? Yeah, me neither... I mean, I vaguely recalled this being a topic back in the day but I sure didn’t remember how to execute it.
Artist learning new arts…
I’m taking a Makerspace class where we’ll be individually creating a variety of products to learn and practice using creative techniques & technologies. We’re expected to create from design inception through final product without using step-by-step tutorials or pre-existing designs/kits- think 3D printing, laser engraving, Cricut, woodworking, etc.…
I did a thing…
I did a tech-y thing and feel brilliant about it! Nothing fancy, but totally my vibe — Green (plants, duh), minimal sleek design (I loathe visual clutter), & flexible as I evolve (I get bored & like to mix things up periodically).