Pop-up Card with LEDs
*This is the Makerspace project post #2. Go back to post #1 for explanation of this amateur learning series
Y’all recall high school physics class and the basics of electrical circuits? Yeah, me neither... I mean, I vaguely recalled this being a topic back in the day but I sure didn’t remember how to execute it. Our first Makerspace project this week was creating a pop-up greeting card with LED lights. I figured it was a good opportunity to learn how to use my Cricut Maker to cut the card elements too, ya know, just to make it more difficult on myself... But no worries, any frustration I had in learning how to use the Cricut Design Space faded to a distant memory when trying to get my LEDs to light up *big long sigh* It was tedious but eventually worked!
This was not in my experience or enjoyment wheelhouse and my perfectionism leaves me wildly unsatisfied with this final product, but I’ll call it an unenthusiastic win for a first attempt. I don’t intend to be doing these again outside of becoming more familiar with the process to help patrons better. But I think I’ll extend the basic knowledge to attempt a luminary over the holidays. Anyone ever made their own paper circuit?