I did a thing…

So I did a thing…I made a website! This may not seem like a substantial “thing” to many of y’all, but let me tell you, it was a hurdle. I’m a creative soul, have an eye for design, & I’m smart. So making a site shouldn’t have been a challenge, right? Wrong! Many tears were cried with lots of “I feel stupid” negative self talk.

So (epic failure) attempt #1 was aborted for my emotional health and not entering a self-criticism spiral. BUT by a fortuitous timing of happenings (being in a city board meeting with a tech saavy guy), I was told the site builder I had been using was not intuitive or lay person friendly at all. I’m a therapist and creative- I’m ALL about intuition! So he suggested I try this different builder. I (rather begrudgingly) decided to give it a single attempt before heading back to Etsy for my shop. I was not optimistic.

But alas, here we are. I did a tech-y thing and feel brilliant about it! Nothing fancy, but totally my vibe — Green (plants, duh), minimal sleek design (I loathe visual clutter), & flexible as I evolve (I get bored & like to mix things up periodically).

You may wonder why I’m including a blog section at all. Welp, it won’t be a scheduled or even super frequent thing. But I love writing and having a place to share a bit about creativity in the same streamlined forum. You’ll periodically see “behind the art” process entries, minimalism topics, or updates on other DIY projects that strike my fancy.

So welcome to my site, I’m glad you’re here! Thank you all for supporting my needle work the last 2 years. You’re helping feed families & pay for kids’ schooling when you shop small like this. I’m more grateful than you know to be on the receiving end of it. :)


Artist learning new arts…